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Értesüljön akcióinkról, legyen naprakész a megjelenő új termékekről, legyen első, aki hírt kap az akcióinkról.
Universal cylindrical design with a touch of industrialism - this is how the INDUSTRY faucet series can be defined. The modern design of the faucets is complemented by an atypical handle that evokes the environment of factory halls. This successful combination gives space for use in bathrooms furnished in a modern and at the same time seemingly cold and practical style of industrial premises. Progressive cartridge and tap batteries are represented. The range of chrome and nickel batteries further expands the possibilities of their use. In addition, the range includes five color variations of the handle, which are replaceable for all batteries. If you get tired of the black handle, you can replace it with a red or white one, for example.
The principle of the progressive cartridge: By turning the handle, cold water flows first, to which warm water is gradually added. The water flow cannot be controlled.