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Értesüljön akcióinkról, legyen naprakész a megjelenő új termékekről, legyen első, aki hírt kap az akcióinkról.
The HASUN linear LED luminaire is designed for ceiling mounting. A lowered ceiling is not required for installation, the transformer is hidden in the luminaire cover under the ceiling. The 12 V supply voltage is supplied to the luminaire via stainless steel ceiling cables. The body of the luminaire is made of thin anodized aluminum measuring 18.5 × 15.8 mm. The luminaire is equipped with a touch switch / dimmer. With a short touch anywhere on the body of the light, the LEDs are turned on / off. The rise and fall of the lighting is smooth. By holding the sensor for longer than approx. 3 s, the light intensity starts to change continuously.
The HASUN linear LED luminaire is designed for ceiling mounting. The 12 V supply voltage is effectively supplied to the luminaire via ceiling cables. The body of the luminaire is made of thin anodized aluminum.