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Értesüljön akcióinkról, legyen naprakész a megjelenő új termékekről, legyen első, aki hírt kap az akcióinkról.
The shower in the modern bathroom is completed by an elegant shower panel, which, unlike a classic faucet, offers a choice of water flow not only from the hand shower, but also from the overhead shower, or from the nozzles. Shower panels can be chosen in a modern silver, effective wooden or pure white decor and thus you can get a perfect match with the interior tiling. The 5SIDE panel is made of composite material or acrylate (white) and is designed for wall mounting. The panel controls are unconventionally placed on the side, which makes it possible to use the entire front surface of the panel for larger nozzles.
Technical parameters:
At pressures above 5 bar, we recommend the installation of a pressure reducing valve.